consortium IMVET with flag Erasmus+

 Ready… Steady… GO!

The IMVET – Inclusive Mobility in Vocational Education and Training project aims make mobilities more inclusive for VET students with disabilities. We aim to increase the awareness of professionals of VET schools and of regional, national and European stakeholders. During this project we are conducting research and developing materials so that VET professionals are equipped to support students before, during and after a mobility. 

This is an international project funded by Erasmus+. The project involves partners from the Netherlands (ECIO, Firda and Koning Willem I College), Spain (CESUR), Estonia (Tartu Vocational College), Greece (DSE Achaias) and Finland (Diakona College of Finland), and we will work together until summer 2026.

Long project and ambitious goals! How do we ensure the success of this project?  

At the start of a new project, everyone has high hopes and expectations. In this completely new partnership with different types of organisations we do all have in common that the theme of inclusive mobility is of great importance to us. We spent a lot of time and effort to formulate a good plan and write our project application. The IMVET application gives us a great guideline for our tasks throughout the project. All partners are committed to the plan: we all have a responsibility to do the right things in scheduled time. 

We had a kick-off meeting in Den Bosch (Netherlands) in the middle of January. Even though we had already met each other online, it was great and also necessary that we met face-to-face. It makes the co-operation so much easier when knowing each other. The project will benefit from all of the different kinds of organisations with different skills and experiences. 

Now our challenge is to get things moving in our own organizations – to organize and resource the right people to the work. We will keep you updated on our progress on this website. You’ll hear more about us soon!